The sidebar on the left contains links to the corresponding section:
- Username - links to the personal profile.
- Dashboard - view the current status in the form of charts and graphs.
- Applications - application management.
- Unlock codes - unlock codes generated automatically or downloaded by you.
- Payments - history of users' incoming payments.
- Manual - the current user manual.
You can set common filters for all widgets in the dashboard:
- Currency - the currency into which incoming and outgoing amounts will be converted on the dashboard.
- Period - is the period of time for which data is displayed in the charts and tables on the dashboard. It determines the interval during which information and statistics about payments, applications, and other parameters are analyzed and displayed.
The balance includes the following amounts:
- Gross amount - the total amount of all user payments for the selected period excluding the fees of payment systems and PayToUse.
- Net amount - the total amount of all payments for the selected period minus fees of payment systems and PayToUse.
- Pending amount - the total amount of all payments for the specified period minus the fees of payment systems and PayToUse pending withdrawal to the developer's account. The payment becomes available for withdrawal 7 days after the payment.
- Available amount - the total amount of all payments for all time minus the fees of payment systems and PayToUse, available for withdrawal to the developer's account.
The Payments widget includes a table of payments grouped by application for the selected period.
Table fields:
- Application - application. Only applications for which payments have been made during the selected period are displayed in the table.
- Payments - number of payments.
- Gross amount - the total amount of all user payments for the selected period excluding the fees of payment systems and PayToUse.
- Net amount - the total amount of all payments for the selected period minus fees of payment systems and PayToUse.
The graph shows the dynamics of Net amount and Gross amount values by day.
New users
The graph of new users shows two values in dynamics by day:
- New users - the number of new API calls. API accesses are recorded only if the device parameter - a unique device identifier - is passed when sending a request to the API. This parameter must be really unique for the device. (see Sending a request)
- Payments - the number of payments for the same period by day.
The Conversion metric refers to the assessment of your sales efficiency to convert New users into Payments.
The graph shows the ratio of the number of Payments to the number of New users, in percent.
When you go to this section, a list of your applications opens.
The list of columns in the application table:
- # - unique application identifier. Used when verifying the application code or displaying the payment form.
- Name - application name. The name is displayed only to you in reports and the dashboard. Clicking on the application name opens the application editing page.
- Status - the current status of the application. It can be:
- Created - The application has just been created, it is not configured yet.
- Released - the application is running.
- Created - the date of application creation.
- Additional control buttons:
- Delete - to remove the application from the list.
Creating or editing an application
To accept payments, you must consistently fill out all the necessary application data and activate app.
The button to create a new application is located in the title bar of the application list.
Fields available when creating an application:
- Name - the name of the application that only you can see in reports or on the dashboard. The name will be displayed in the page header of the saved application. As long as the application is not saved, "New app" is displayed instead of the name. The field is mandatory to enter.
- Contact email - the email address to which copies of messages sent to users will be sent. This address is also specified in the "Reply-to" field and is used to reply the user to the received e-mail with the code. The field is mandatory to enter. By default, the field is populated with the value from the developer profile. The value can be changed to a different value.
- Application type - type of application. If you select a group type of application, a list of applications will be displayed for grouping. Only single applications for which unlock codes are generated are available in the list.
- Allow feedback on payment - adds a field to the payment form for users to enter free text. Feedback is added to the developer's email copy. Feedback can also be seen in the payment details.
Start typing changing values and the Save button appears. The Save button allows you to save your changes without going to the next page. The Next button saves the changes and moves to the next page. You can always return to make changes later.
In the page header, only the saved application pages are available for navigation. You can click Next or go to the section in the page header.
Select a language from the list and click Add.
A tab with localized application texts for the selected language will appear.
Available languages:
- German
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Russian
- Chinese Simplified
The fields in the description are used to display information on the payment form and in the reply message to the user:
- Name - the name of the application for the selected language. It is displayed on the payment form and in the payment notification email. By default, when adding a language, the application name is inserted. You can set a different name for each language. Required field.
- Description - a brief description of the application. Displayed on the payment form under the application name. Optional field. You can leave it empty if you don't want any description to be displayed.
- Reply - additional information that will be sent to the user in the email upon successful payment. The response text is added at the end of the email after the standard response.
At least one language must be added to save and go to the next page.
The language displayed in the payment form is determined automatically on the basis of the user's preferences specified in his browser settings. You can save the application language for the application.
Start typing or changing values and the Save button appears. The Save button allows you to save your changes without going to the next page. The Next button saves the changes and moves to the next page. You can always return to make changes later.
In the page header, only the saved application pages are available for navigation. You can click Next or go to the section in the page header.
The page contains a list of prices and fields related to payment:
- Trial period - the length of the trial period.
- Unit of time - the time unit of the trial period. For example, if you specify 7 days, it means that after 7 days after the application's first API call it will return a response that the trial period has expired. The time of the first device call is saved.
- Price calculating method - The method of price calculation from the list:
- Price calculation depending on the term - In the payment form, the user specifies the activation period of the code, and the price is automatically calculated according to the table below. The user receives an automatically generated unlock code in the response email.
- Term calculation depending on the price - In the payment form, the user selects a price from the list or enters their own price value, and the period is automatically calculated according to the table below. The user receives an automatically generated code in the response message.
- Permanent code - In the payment form, the user selects a price from the list or enters their own price value. After payment, they receive a code from the list below, corresponding to the selected price, in the response email.
- Donation - In the payment form, the user selects a price from the list or enters their own price value. For Donation-type applications, an unlock code is not generated.
The price is set in US dollars. The minimum price is 1 US dollar.
Start typing or changing values and the Save button appears. The Save button allows you to save your changes without going to the next page. The Next button saves the changes and moves to the next page. You can always return to make changes later.
In the page header, only the saved application pages are available for navigation. You can click Next or go to the section in the page header.
This page sets the values:
- Code length - the length of the generated code, if applicable.
- Code character set - the set of characters from which the code is generated:
- Numeric code - the code is generated using only the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Leading zeros may be included in the code. Leading zeros are significant when verifying the code.
- Alphanumeric code - the code is generated using the characters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, G, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z. The code is generated and sent to the user using uppercase characters. The case of the characters does not matter when verifying the code.
- Link to check code - an example link to be used for code verification.
- Link to pay - payment link. You can copy the link and paste it into the description of the application on the website where the application is published. Parameters to be passed:
- app - the unique identifier of the application. Required parameter.
- amount - the amount that will be specified in the price field when purchasing. The default price is ignored. However, the amount can't be less than the minimum price and can't be lower than the minimum price set for the application. Optional parameter.
To start accepting payments, you need to activate the application with the Launch button. Before activating the application, make sure that all the data entered is correct. The keys generated by the application cannot be changed.
Code verification
Checking the application unlock code is done in 3 steps:
- Writing and sending a request for code verification
- Checks on the API side
- Receiving and processing API response
Sending a request
To verify the code, the user of your application must enter it in the field in the application settings.
<property id="UnlockCode" type="string"></property>
<property id="UnlockResult" type="string">Checking...</property>
<setting propertyKey="@Properties.UnlockCode" title="@Strings.UnlockCode">
<settingConfig type="alphaNumeric" maxLength="12"/>
<setting propertyKey="@Properties.UnlockResult" title="@Strings.UnlockResult">
<settingConfig type="alphaNumeric" readonly="true"/>
Then you need to send a request to the Pay-to-use API server:
function onTemporalEvent() as Void {
var ds = System.getDeviceSettings();
return Toybox.Communications.makeWebRequest(
"", // API URL
"device" => ds.uniqueIdentifier, // device unique identifier
"app" => "6", // your Application id
"model" => ds.partNumber, // device part number
"code" => Application.Properties.getValue("UnlockCode") // unlock code value in your application
:method => Communications.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_POST,
:headers => { "Content-Type" => Communications.REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON },
:responseType => Communications.HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON
API request parameters:
- url - Using HTTPS is mandatory.
- The body of the request (the values passed). A Dictionary of keys and values:
- device - unique identifier of the device.
- app - unique identifier of your application.
- model - device model identifier. Optional parameter. Data is used to display statistics for new devices.
- code - unlock code entered by the user in your application settings.
- Request options:
- :method - the API supports GET and POST request methods.
- :headers - for the POST method, parameters need to be passed in JSON format.
- :responseType - the response is returned in JSON.
- responseCallback - a link to the callback method, which should accept two arguments:
- responseCode - the server response header code.
- data - the content if the request was successful, or null.
Checks on the API side
If no parameters are passed to the API, the API returns a HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found header.
If at least one parameter is passed to the API, the API returns header HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
The server response consists of:
- response - response code
- msg - textual description of the response
- expires - UNIXTIME timestamp (if applicable)
A check is performed to ensure that the application identifier passed in is correct. The application must be in Released status at the time of payment. In case of an error, response code 301 is returned.
If a unique device ID is transmitted, the device ID is searched for and stored. If errors occur when checking or saving, an error code 402 is returned. If such a return code is found, immediately write to support at [email protected]
If the code is passed, the following steps are performed for applications with the Price calculation depending on the term and Term calculation depending on the price calculation methods:
- If an empty code is transmitted, it is detached from the unique device identifier defined in the previous steps.
- If a non-empty code is transmitted and it is not activated, the code is activated depending on the conditions of the price specified when the code was purchased, regardless of the date of activation.
- If no code has been transmitted or if the transmitted code is not found, error code 201 is returned.
- The activated code is checked against the device and, if a unique device identifier other than the stored one was transmitted during activation, an error code 202 is returned.
- If the transmitted code has no expiration date and all previous checks have been passed, code 101 is returned.
- If the code is time limited, a check is performed. If the key is not expired, code 101 is returned. If the code has expired, error code 203 is returned.
- This type of application requires the code to be bound to the device. If the unique device ID has not been transmitted, error code 304 is returned.
For an app with a Permanent code, only the availability of the code at the time of purchase is checked. If a code is found, code 101 is returned. If no code is found, error code 201 is returned.
For an application with the Donation calculation method, the code is not checked. The code 101 is always returned.
If the previous checks have not been passed the test period is checked. If more time has elapsed since the device was first contacted than the current application settings, error code 204 is returned. If the trial period has not yet expired, error code 102 is returned.
If only the application ID is transmitted and neither the unlock code nor the unique device ID is transmitted, error code 303 is returned.
If the response returned is 500, you should write to support at [email protected]
Below is a table of all returned codes:
Return | Message |
101 |
Price calculation depending on the term and Term calculation depending on the price calculation methods:
| |
Permanent code:
| |
| |
102 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
401 |
402 |
500 |
Checking the response
Then you should check the response from the Pay-to-use API server:
function onReceive(responseHeader, data) as Void {
if (responseHeader == 200) { Toybox.Background.exit(data); }
You can check all headers and codes, you can display your own messages for user convenience, but in the simplest form the verification will look something like this:
function onBackgroundData(data) as Void {
if (data.hasKey("response")) {
if (data.hasKey("msg")) {
// You can show data["msg"] in the properties field with the name "UnlockResult".
Application.Properties.setValue("UnlockResult", data["msg"]);
if (data["response"].toString().substring(0, 1).equals("2")) {
// Code verification failed
// Paid functions are NOT available
} else {
// The code check was successful or the error is your fault or the fault of the API
// Paid functions are available
Unlock codes
When you go to this section, a list of unlock codes will open.
Unlock codes list
You can search the email field or the code in the top search bar. The found codes will be displayed in the list. You can use all or part of the email or the code as the search criterion. Matches will be highlighted in color. Search and filters work simultaneously and do not exclude each other.
The last used filter is stored for the user. That is, the next time you enter the page, the last used filter will be applied automatically. Filters are available for the list of unlock codes:
- Columns - select table columns to display in the unlock code list.
- Application - display only unlock codes for selected applications.
- Status - display only unlock codes that are in the selected statuses.
The list of columns in the unlock codes table:
- Application - your application. You can follow the link to edit its settings.
- Code - the unlock code.
- Email - the email address associated with the unlock code registration. This address is used to search for client unlock codes in the My purchases section of the website. This section is accessible to users.
- Term - the period of validity of the sent code (specified in the application settings). A validity period is set for the code, corresponding to the conditions of the application settings at the time of its creation.
- Status - the unlock code status. (see Unlock code status)
- Created - the unlock code creation date.
- Activated - the activation date of the code. It is set at the moment when this particular user device first contacts the PayToUse API service and submits this code. The status of the code changes to Activated. Only an inactive code can be activated. If an active code is submitted by a device with a different ID, the API returns error 202. Only one device can be linked to a single code.
- Expiration - the date on which the code activation expires. Set for codes that have a limited validity period on code activation. For codes with unlimited expiration date remains blank.
- Deleted - the code deletion date. Upon deletion, the code status is set to Unknown.
- Payment # - unique sequence number of the payment. You can click on the link to view the details of the payment.
- Buttons for actions with unlock codes. For example, deletion.
Unlock code status
During its lifecycle, the unlock code goes through different states, which can be tracked by the code status.
Status | Description |
Available | The status is assigned to an unlock code for which no actions have been performed or if the device linkage is reset for the code. |
Activated | The status is set for a code with a set activation date. The activation date is set when the device successfully accesses the PayToUse API service for the first time. Also, when activating the code, the expiration date of the code is set. |
Expired | The status is set for an expired code. Unlinking the code from the device does not reset the expiration date of the code. Checking the code with this status will return error 203. (see Checks on the API side) |
Unknown | The status is set when the code is deleted. Checking the code with this status will return error 201. (see Checks on the API side) |
When you go to this section, a list of user payments will open.
The following payment systems are used to receive payments:
After the payment system's fees, PayToUse will charge a 13% fee. We are constantly working to reduce the fees.
If any disputes or refunds arise in the payment system, the penalties of the payment system are reissued to the developer. Therefore you should not allow such situations to occur. PayToUse fee is not charged in controversial situations.
Payments list
You can search the email field or the sent code in the top search bar. The found payments will be displayed in the list. You can use all or part of the email or the sent code as the search criterion. Matches will be highlighted in color. Search and filters work simultaneously and do not exclude each other.
The last used filter is stored for the user. That is, the next time you enter the page, the last used filter will be applied automatically. Filters are available for the list of payments:
- Columns - select table columns to display in the payment list.
- Application - displaying payments for selected applications only.
- System - display payments only from selected payment systems.
- Status - display payments only with selected statuses.
The list of columns in the payments table:
- Application - your application. You can follow the link to edit its settings.
- # - unique sequence number of the payment. It is assigned to the payment automatically when user goes from payment form to payment page in payment system. You can click on the link to view the details of the payment.
- Comments - message from the user entered in the payment form.
- System - the payment system selected by the user.
- Status - the payment status. (see Payment status)
- Email - user's email indicated in the payment form.
- Term - the period of validity of the sent code (specified in the application settings).
- Created - the payment creation date.
- Invoice amount - the amount of payment charged to the user. Specified in the payment form depending on the application settings.
- Payment date - the payment date.
- Payment amount - the amount of payment confirmed by the payment system.
- Sent code - code sent to the user.
- Available amount - withdrawal amount available.
- Payout amount - the amount of withdrawn funds for the payment.
It is not possible to make changes to the payment.
Payment status
During its lifecycle, the payment goes to different states, which can be tracked by the payment status.
Status | Description |
Incomplete | The status is assigned to payments for which no actions have been performed. Payment is created as soon as the user switches from the payment form to the payment system form. The payment is assigned a unique serial number, as well as the basic attributes of payment: amount, payment system, date. |
Succeeded | The status is assigned to payments that received a positive response from the payment system. The next step is to send an email to the user containing the generated code or other data depending on the application settings. If the payment remains in this status, it is necessary to pay special attention to it, as the subsequent actions have not been performed. |
Error | The status is assigned to payments for which a negative response is received from the payment system. Subsequent steps are not performed. It is necessary to pay special attention to such payments, as the status on the side of the payment system can be processed with a delay. |
Pending | The status is assigned to payments for which a positive response is received from the payment system, and all subsequent steps have been completed successfully. Withdrawal for payments with this status is not available. Payments move to the next status automatically in 7 days. |
Available | Withdrawal is available for payments in this status. |
Sending | The status is enabled for payments included in the next withdrawal. If the withdrawal is canceled or declined, the payment status is returned to Available. |
Sent | The status is enabled for payments for which the withdrawal is made. Confirmation of receipt of funds is pending. |
Completed | The status is enabled for payments with successful withdrawals. You can manually set the status by confirming the withdrawal in the corresponding section. The status is also automatically changed 14 days after the payment withdrawal. |
Refunded | Payments for which a refund has been issued are transferred to this status. Upon issuing a refund, a refund fee is charged. The fee is deducted from the withdrawal amount. |
When you go to this section, a list of your withdrawals will open.
Withdrawals list
The last used filter is stored for the user. That is, the next time you enter the page, the last used filter will be applied automatically. Filters are available for the list of withdrawals:
- Columns - display only selected columns in the withdrawal list.
- Status - display only withdrawals that are in the selected statuses.
The list of columns in the withdrawals table:
- # - unique sequence number of the withdrawal. It is assigned to the withdrawal automatically when withdrawal saved. You can click on the link to view the details of the withdrawal.
- Status - the withdrawal status. (see Withdrawal status)
- Created - the date of the withdrawal request.
- Amount - the amount of withdrawal.
- Withdrawal - the date the withdrawal was sent.
- Buttons for actions with withdrawals. For example, confirmation.
You can confirm the withdrawal when it is in the Sent status.
Withdrawal status
During its lifecycle, the withdrawal goes to different states, which can be tracked by the withdrawal status.
Status | Description |
Pending | Status is assigned to withdrawals at creation, for which no actions were performed. |
Canceled | The status is assigned to cancelled withdrawals. Cancellations can be made for a variety of reasons. For example, the method of receiving funds is not specified. All payments from this withdrawal go to Available status and are available for withdrawal again. |
Sent | The status is set for the withdrawal of funds when it is sent. |
Completed | The status is set for manual withdrawal when it is received by the developer to confirm receipt. Or automatically in 14 days after sending. |
Refused | The status is set for withdrawal when the bank or payment system returns funds after sending. All payments from this withdrawal go to Available status and are available for withdrawal again. |
API PayToUse performs the following functions:
- Checks the activation status of an unlock code and activates it if necessary.
- Retrieves blood glucose data from the NightScout app.
- Retrieves current weather data for a specified location.
All information can be requested and returned in a single request.
API Endpoints
You can use one of the following endpoints:
Both endpoints handle GET and POST requests.
Request Parameters
- device: string (required) — unique device identifier
- app: integer (required) — your Application ID
- model: string (optional) — device model code, needed for collecting and displaying statistics for devices using the app
- code: string (optional) — unlock code
- bg: associative array (optional) — data for requesting blood glucose levels from the NightScout app
- url: string (optional) — address of the NightScout app
- weather: associative array (optional) — data for requesting current weather
- appid: string (optional) — weather API access key
- lat: float (optional) — latitude
- lon: float (optional) — longitude
- provider: integer (optional) — weather provider
List of Supported Weather Providers
1. OpenWeatherMap
- Description: OpenWeatherMap provides global weather data, including real-time weather, historical data, and 16-day forecasts. With wide geographic coverage and frequent updates, OpenWeatherMap is a popular choice for applications requiring both current weather and extended forecasts.
- Data Provided: Real-time temperature, humidity, wind speed, air quality, precipitation probability, and more. Offers both current and forecast data, including minute-by-minute weather data for select locations.
- Provider Selection: Include provider = 1 in the weather section of your request to select OpenWeatherMap as the weather provider.
- Usage Notes: Offers free and paid tiers, with data accessible via API key authentication. Advanced data layers and premium features are available in paid plans.
- API Documentation: Available here.
2. QWeather
- Description: QWeather, also known as HeWeather, provides comprehensive weather data focused on China but includes international data as well. It offers extensive details such as real-time weather, forecasts, air quality information, and alerts.
- Data Provided: Current temperature, humidity, UV index, pollution levels, daily and hourly forecasts, as well as warnings for severe weather conditions. Known for its granular air quality data and its real-time updates on changing weather conditions.
- Provider Selection: Include provider = 2 in the weather section of your request to select QWeather as the weather provider.
- Usage Notes: QWeather offers API access with free and premium tiers. The free tier provides limited data, while premium options expand to cover additional data points and locations.
- API Documentation: Available here.
3. MET Weather (MET Norway)
- Description: The MET Weather API, provided by MET Norway, gives access to a variety of open meteorological data, including forecasts, historical data, and specific data for Norway and the Nordic regions. Known for its accuracy and transparency, MET Weather is ideal for applications in need of highly reliable weather data.
- Data Provided: Current weather conditions, forecasts, precipitation, temperature, wind data, and UV index. MET Weather offers specialized data for the Nordic regions but also supports global weather information.
- Provider Selection: Include provider = 3 in the weather section of your request to select MET Weather as the weather provider.
- Usage Notes: All data provided by MET Weather is freely available for use under a Creative Commons license, allowing both non-commercial and commercial applications without cost. MET Norway is renowned for its environmental data, making it a trusted provider, particularly in Europe.
- API Documentation: Available here.
Example Request
function onTemporalEvent() as Void {
var ds = System.getDeviceSettings();
if (!ds.phoneConnected) { // Checks that the device is connected to the phone for sending the request
var id = ds.uniqueIdentifier;
if (id == null) { // Verifies that the device has been assigned a unique identifier
var request = {};
var lockCheck = Application.Storage.getValue("LastCodeCheckTimestamp");
if (lockCheck == null || lockCheck <= { // Sends the code if necessary
request.put("code", Application.Properties.getValue("UnlockCode"));
var ns_url = Application.Properties.getValue("NS");
if (!ns_url.equals("")) { // Sends the NightScout app URL if needed
request.put("bg", { "url" => ns_url });
var wP = Application.Properties.getValue("Weather");
if (wP != 0) { // Sends weather request parameters if needed
var lat = Application.Properties.getValue("latitude");
var lon = Application.Properties.getValue("longitude");
if (!lat.equals("") && !lon.equals("")) {
request.put("weather", {
"appid" => Application.Properties.getValue("appID"),
"lat" => lat,
"lon" => lon,
"provider" => wP
if (!request.isEmpty()) {
// Fills in the required request parameters
request.put("device", id);
request.put("app", p2uAppID); // your Application id
request.put("model", ds.partNumber);
"", // API Endpoint
:method => 3, // Communications.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_POST
:headers => {
"Content-Type" => 1 // Communications.REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON
:responseType => 0 // Communications.HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON
API Response
The API returns a JSON object with information on unlock status, glucose level, and weather.
Response Parameters
Unlock Code Verification Results (if a request was sent):
- response: integer — return code
- msg: string — message about the verification result
- expires: integer — expiration timestamp of the code in UNIXTIMESTAMP format
- qr: array — QR code for purchase or serial number verification, if applicable
NightScout App Response (if a request was sent):
- bg: associative array — formatted response from the NightScout app
- value: integer — blood glucose level in mg/dL
- date: integer — timestamp of the code expiration in UNIXTIMESTAMP format
- direction: string — trend in blood glucose level change
Weather API Response (if a request was sent):
- weather: associative array — formatted response from the Weather API
- provider: integer — weather provider identifier
- weather: array — current weather conditions. May return one or two values; if two values are returned, they represent day and night conditions
- temp: float — current temperature in Celsius
- feels_like: float — feels-like temperature in Celsius
Внимание! Отсутствует для MET Norway - pressure: integer — atmospheric pressure in hPa
- humidity: integer — humidity in %
- precipitation: integer — precipitation probability in %
Внимание! Отсутствует для MET Norway - wind: integer — wind direction in degrees
- wind_speed: float — wind speed in m/s
- temp_low: float — today’s low temperature in Celsius
- temp_high: float — today’s high temperature in Celsius
- sunrise_today: integer — today’s sunrise timestamp in UNIXTIMESTAMP format
- sunset_today: integer — today’s sunset timestamp in UNIXTIMESTAMP format
- sunrise_tomorrow: integer — tomorrow’s sunrise timestamp in UNIXTIMESTAMP format
- sunset_tomorrow: integer — tomorrow’s sunset timestamp in UNIXTIMESTAMP format
- aqi: associative array — air quality index
- level: integer — air quality index level
- value: integer — air quality index value
Example Response
"response": 103,
"msg": "Free for beta tester",
"expires": 0,
"qr": [
"bg": {
"value": -102,
"date": 1730546101,
"direction": ""
"weather": {
"provider": 1,
"weather": [
"temp": 0.27,
"feels_like": -3.14,
"pressure": 999,
"humidity": 78,
"precipitation": 0,
"wind": 120,
"wind_speed": 2.96,
"temp_low": -3.8,
"temp_high": 0.27,
"sunrise_today": 1730527969,
"sunset_today": 1730551770,
"sunrise_tomorrow": 1730614492,
"sunset_tomorrow": 1730638051,
"aqi": {
"level": 1,
"value": 38
- Requests with bg require a connection to the NightScout app.
- For every request with a code, the API automatically checks the code status and activates it if inactive.
- Please note that API parameters may be updated or modified over time to improve functionality, compatibility, and security. It is recommended to periodically review the API documentation for any changes that might affect integration or usage.
For a detailed description of Garmin SDK weather functions and constants, refer to this link. You may store values obtained from the API or results from Garmin SDK weather functions, depending on the selected weather provider, to ensure consistency in displaying values on the screen.
ID | Description | Day | Night |
0 | Clear |
0x53 |
0x54 |
40 | Fair | ||
23 | Mostly clear |
0x55 |
0x56 |
1 | Partly cloudy |
0x57 |
0x58 |
22 | Partly clear | ||
2 | Mostly cloudy |
0x59 |
52 | Thin clouds | ||
20 | Cloudy |
0x5A |
45 | Cloudy chance of rain | ||
31 | Drizzle |
0x3E |
14 | Light rain |
0x42 |
24 | Light showers | ||
3 | Rain |
0x43 |
25 | Showers | ||
27 | Chance of showers |
0x46 |
11 | Scattered showers | ||
15 | Heavy rain | ||
26 | Heavy showers | ||
28 | Chance of thunderstorms |
0x36 |
0x37 |
12 | Scattered thunderstorms |
0x38 |
6 | Thunderstorms |
0x39 |
8 | Fog |
0x4E |
9 | Hazy | ||
29 | Mist | ||
39 | Haze | ||
30 | Dust |
0x4F |
35 | Sand | ||
33 | Smoke | ||
38 | Volcanic ash | ||
37 | Sandstorm | ||
13 | Unknown precipitation | ||
5 | Windy |
0x52 |
36 | Squall | ||
48 | Flurries | ||
32 | Tornado |
0x50 |
41 | Hurricane | ||
42 | Tropical storm | ||
50 | Sleet |
0x45 |
7 | Wintry mix | ||
18 | Light rain snow | ||
19 | Heavy rain snow | ||
21 | Rain snow | ||
49 | Freezing rain | ||
44 | Chance of rain snow | ||
47 | Cloudy chance of rain snow | ||
34 | Ice | ||
51 | Ice snow | ||
43 | Chance of snow |
0x4C |
0x4D |
16 | Light snow | ||
46 | Cloudy chance of snow |
0x4A |
4 | Snow | ||
17 | Heavy snow |
0x4B |
10 | Hail |
0x3A |
Open Weather Map
Check out the icon set for OpenWeatherMap as an example here.
ID | Description | Day | Night |
2xx | Thunderstorm | ||
200 | Thunderstorm with light rain |
0x36 |
0x37 |
201 | Thunderstorm with rain |
0x38 |
202 | Thunderstorm with heavy rain | ||
210 | Light thunderstorm | ||
211 | Thunderstorm |
0x39 |
212 | Heavy thunderstorm |
0x3B |
221 | Ragged thunderstorm | ||
230 | Thunderstorm with light drizzle |
0x3A |
231 | Thunderstorm with drizzle | ||
232 | Thunderstorm with heavy drizzle | ||
3xx | Drizzle | ||
300 | Light intensity drizzle |
0x3C |
0x3D |
301 | Drizzle |
0x3E |
302 | Heavy intensity drizzle |
0x3F |
310 | Light intensity drizzle rain |
0x40 |
311 | Drizzle rain | ||
312 | Heavy intensity drizzle rain |
0x41 |
313 | Shower rain and drizzle | ||
314 | Heavy shower rain and drizzle | ||
321 | Shower drizzle | ||
5xx | Rain | ||
500 | Light rain |
0x42 |
501 | Moderate rain |
0x43 |
502 | Heavy intensity rain |
0x44 |
503 | Very heavy rain | ||
504 | Extreme rain | ||
511 | Freezing rain |
0x45 |
520 | Light intensity shower rain |
0x46 |
521 | Shower rain | ||
522 | Heavy intensity shower rain | ||
531 | Ragged shower rain | ||
6xx | Snow | ||
600 | Light snow |
0x4C |
0x4D |
601 | Snow |
0x4A |
602 | Heavy snow | ||
611 | Sleet |
0x45 |
612 | Light shower sleet | ||
613 | Shower sleet | ||
615 | Light rain and snow | ||
616 | Rain and snow | ||
620 | Light shower snow |
0x4B |
621 | Shower snow | ||
622 | Heavy shower snow | ||
7xx | Atmosphere | ||
701 | Mist |
0x4E |
711 | Smoke |
0x4F |
721 | Haze | ||
731 | Sand/ dust whirls | ||
741 | Fog | ||
751 | Sand |
0x4F |
761 | Dust | ||
762 | Volcanic ash | ||
771 | Squalls |
0x52 |
781 | Tornado |
0x50 |
800 | Clear | ||
800 | Clear sky |
0x53 |
0x54 |
80x | Clouds | ||
801 | Few clouds 11-25% |
0x55 |
0x56 |
802 | Scattered clouds 25-50% |
0x57 |
0x58 |
803 | Broken clouds 51-84% |
0x59 |
804 | Overcast clouds 85-100% |
0x5A |
You can check out the original set of weather icons by clicking here
ID | Description | Day | Night |
302 | Thundershower |
0x36 |
0x37 |
303 | Heavy Thunderstorm |
0x38 |
310 | Rainstorm |
0x39 |
317 | Rainstorm to Heavy Rainstorm | ||
304 | Hail |
0x3A |
311 | Heavy Rainstorm |
0x3B |
312 | Severe Rainstorm | ||
318 | Heavy to Severe Rainstorm | ||
309 | Drizzle Rain |
0x3C |
0x3D |
404 | Sleet |
0x3E |
305 | Light Rain |
0x42 |
314 | Light to Moderate Rain | ||
306 | Moderate Rain |
0x43 |
315 | Moderate to Heavy Rain | ||
399 | Rain | ||
308 | Extreme Rain |
0x44 |
316 | Heavy Rain to Rainstorm | ||
313 | Freezing Rain |
0x45 |
405 | Rain and Snow | ||
300 | Shower Rain |
0x46 |
301 | Heavy Shower Rain | ||
307 | Heavy Rain | ||
350 | Shower Rain | ||
351 | Heavy Shower Rain | ||
400 | Light Snow |
0x4C |
0x4D |
408 | Light to Moderate Snow | ||
499 | Snow | ||
401 | Moderate Snow |
0x4A |
402 | Heavy Snow | ||
409 | Moderate to Heavy Snow | ||
410 | Heavy Snow to Snowstorm | ||
403 | Snowstorm |
0x4B |
406 | Shower Rain and Snow | ||
407 | Snow Flurry | ||
456 | Shower Rain and Snow | ||
457 | Snow Flurry | ||
503 | Sand |
0x4E |
504 | Dust | ||
507 | Duststorm | ||
508 | Sandstorm | ||
511 | Moderate Haze | ||
512 | Heavy Haze | ||
513 | Severe Haze | ||
500 | Mist |
0x4F |
501 | Fog | ||
502 | Haze | ||
509 | Dense Fog | ||
510 | Strong Fog | ||
514 | Heavy Fog | ||
515 | Extra Heavy Fog | ||
100 | Sunny |
0x53 |
0x54 |
150 | Clear | ||
101 | Cloudy |
0x55 |
0x56 |
151 | Cloudy | ||
102 | Few Clouds |
0x57 |
0x58 |
152 | Few Clouds | ||
103 | Partly Cloudy |
0x59 |
153 | Partly Cloudy | ||
104 | Overcast |
0x5A |
MET Weather
Check out the icon set for MET Weather as an example here.
ID | Description | Day | Night |
lightrainshowers | Light rain showers |
0x36 |
0x37 |
lightrainshowersandthunder | Light rain showers and thunder | ||
rainshowersandthunder | Rain showers and thunder | ||
heavyrainshowersandthunder | Heavy rain showers and thunder | ||
heavyrainandthunder | Heavy rain and thunder |
0x38 |
rainandthunder | Rain and thunder | ||
lightrainandthunder | Light rain and thunder |
0x39 |
heavysleetandthunder | Heavy sleet and thunder |
0x3B |
lightsleetandthunder | Light sleet and thunder |
0x3A |
lightssleetshowersandthunder | Light sleet showers and thunder | ||
sleetandthunder | Sleet and thunder | ||
lightsleetshowers | Light sleet showers |
0x3C |
0x3D |
sleetshowers | Sleet showers | ||
sleetshowersandthunder | Sleet showers and thunder | ||
heavysleetshowers | Heavy sleet showers | ||
heavysleetshowersandthunder | Heavy sleet showers and thunder | ||
lightsleet | Light sleet |
0x3E |
sleet | Sleet |
0x3F |
heavysleet | Heavy sleet |
0x45 |
lightrain | Light rain |
0x42 |
rain | Rain |
0x43 |
heavyrain | Heavy rain |
0x44 |
rainshowers | Rain showers |
0x46 |
heavyrainshowers | Heavy rain showers | ||
heavysnow | Heavy snow |
0x4B |
heavysnowandthunder | Heavy snow and thunder | ||
snow | Snow | ||
snowandthunder | Snow and thunder | ||
lightsnowshowers | Light snow showers |
0x4C |
0x4D |
lightssnowshowersandthunder | Light snow showers and thunder | ||
snowshowers | Snow showers | ||
snowshowersandthunder | Snow showers and thunder | ||
heavysnowshowers | Heavy snow showers | ||
heavysnowshowersandthunder | Heavy snow showers and thunder | ||
lightsnow | Light snow |
0x4A |
lightsnowandthunder | Light snow and thunder | ||
fog | Fog |
0x4F |
clearsky | Clear sky |
0x53 |
0x54 |
fair | Fair |
0x55 |
0x56 |
partlycloudy | Partly cloudy |
0x57 |
0x58 |
cloudy | Cloudy |
0x59 |